A political environment is described in my latest fictional book, Velvet Lies and Iron Gates. Many believe it parallels Radical Marxist socialist members’ actions now in Congress as they attempt to control the agenda and America’s future.
Democrats and Republicans must not let this happen. If the radicals in congress successfully set our country’s policies, freedoms lost will be difficult to regain. Noted in my book, corruption, along with greed for power and riches, will see that it never happens.
My book points out that down the road, years from now, Americans will rally and become convinced that Democracy and freedom are worth the fight. America will go full circle and again be fighting for freedom as in our Revolutionary War. We will only take our country back by force, and the loss of lives will be many.
My book notes, we have the chance right now to stop Socialism in its tracts. Our challenge is for the American people to rid themselves of existing complacency and for congress to stand up against Socialism. The opportunity to prevent the spread of Socialism at the ballot box has passed. The danger to democracy by Socialism has never been greater.